Sunday Service Pattern

July 2024 28th Jul
Great Ellingham  10:30 Benefice Holy Communion
(St James' Church)
August 2024 4th Aug 11th Aug 18th Aug 25th Aug
Great Ellingham  10:30 Holy Communion
(St James' Church)
 10:30 Cafe Church - Colin Thomas
(St James' Church)
 10:30 Morning Prayer
(St James' Church)
Little Ellingham    18:00 Evening Payer
(St Peter's Church)
 18:00 Prayer and Praise
(St Peter's Church)
Rockland All Saints      10:30 Holy Communion
(Rockland All Saints)
 10:30 Benefice Holy Communion
(Rockland All Saints)
Rockland St Peter  10:30 Family Service
(Rockland St Peter)
September 2024 1st Sep 8th Sep 15th Sep 22nd Sep
Great Ellingham  10:30 Holy Communion
(St James' Church)
 10:30 Cafe Church - Colin Thomas
(St James' Church)
 10:30 Morning Prayer
(St James' Church)
Little Ellingham    18:00 Evening Payer
(St Peter's Church)
 18:00 Prayer and Praise
(St Peter's Church)
 10:30 Benefice Holy Communion
(St Peter's Church)
Rockland All Saints      10:30 Pet & Harvest Festival
(Rockland All Saints)
Rockland St Peter  10:30 Holy Communion
(Rockland St Peter)
October 2024 6th Oct 13th Oct 20th Oct 27th Oct
Great Ellingham  10:30 Holy Communion
(St James' Church)
 10:30 Cafe Church - Colin Thomas
(St James' Church)
 10:30 Morning Prayer
(St James' Church)
Little Ellingham    18:00 Evening Payer
(St Peter's Church)
 18:00 Prayer and Praise
(St Peter's Church)
Rockland All Saints      10:30 Holy Communion
(Rockland All Saints)
Rockland St Peter  10:30 Harvest Service
(Rockland St Peter)
     10:30 Benefice Holy Communion
(Rockland St Peter)
November 2024 3rd Nov 10th Nov 17th Nov 24th Nov
Great Ellingham  10:30 Holy Communion for All Souls
(St James' Church)
 10:30 Remembrance service
(St James' Church)
 10:30 Morning Prayer
(St James' Church)
 10:30 Benefice Holy Communion
(St James' Church)
Little Ellingham    18:00 Evening Payer
(St Peter's Church)
 18:00 Prayer and Praise
(St Peter's Church)
Rockland All Saints      10:30 Morning Prayer
(Rockland All Saints)
Rockland St Peter  10:30 Holy Communion
(Rockland St Peter)
 15:00 Remembrance service
(Rockland St Peter)
December 2024 1st Dec 8th Dec 15th Dec 19th Dec 20th Dec 22nd Dec 24th Dec 25th Dec 29th Dec
Great Ellingham    10:30 Christingle Cafe Church - Colin Thomas
(St James' Church)
 10:30 Morning Prayer
(St James' Church)
 18:30 Carols Around the Tree
(St James' Church)
     23:30 Midnight Mass
(St James' Church)
Little Ellingham    18:00 Evening Payer
(St Peter's Church)
 18:00 Prayer and Praise
(St Peter's Church)
         10:30 Christmas Holy Communion
(St Peter's Church)
 10:30 Benefice Holy Communion
(St Peter's Church)
Rockland All Saints  10:30 Benefice Advent Carols
(Rockland All Saints)
   15:00 Christingle
(Rockland All Saints)
       22:00 Midnight Mass
(Rockland All Saints)
Rockland St Peter    10:30 Family Service
(Rockland St Peter)
     18:00 Nine Lessons and Carols
(Rockland St Peter)
 10:30 Benefice Holy Communion
(Rockland St Peter)
 15:00 Light of the World Service
(Rockland St Peter)

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