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Kathryn profile

Mrs Kathryn Donald

Treasurer and Secretary

I have been involved in the church all my life – going as a baby and then child with my parents, counting the collection after the service, being confirmed as a teenager and then looking for somewhere to worship as a student. When I moved to Great Ellingham in 2005, finding a church was a natural instinct and I’ve been at St James’s ever since!

I joined the PCC in 2007 and then became treasurer in 2012. I also write the minutes from PCC meetings, volunteer on the cleaning rota and organise the spring/autumn fairs held in the church.

Being involved in both the church and local community runs in my family; it’s part of who I am. I am married with two small children and we all attend café church at St James – I play the flute in the music group and my husband organises the slides for the projector. I sing in the benefice choir so can be found lurking in the choir stalls at the monthly benefice service. Being part of the church has given us a large extended family and created a network of friends in the village and beyond. I am hugely grateful to the support they give to me and my family – and how we look out for each other.

01953 456525
Jeremy profile

Mr Jeremy Warren

Assistant Lay Minister and Great Ellingham Tower Captain

01953 455146

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